Joëlle Croteau-Willard


Certified Pregnancy and Infant Loss Coach | Speaker | Grief & Loss Advocate | French & English Language Service Provider


My life’s work was revealed to me with the passing of my second son, Julien. In feeling completely broken open by the loss of my son at 6 months of pregnancy, I was thrust into the world of deep grief and loss. There truly are still no words for the depth of sorrow I was experiencing after Julien’s passing.

Having experienced deep loss prior to his death with my father’s sudden passing, this pregnancy loss was unlike anything I have ever experienced in grief. I was in such deep pain, sorrow and anguish – my life had been devastated and yet life continued to go on around me. Since losing Julien, I have done all I could to educate myself on why it is that we feel the things we do in deep grief, and how it could be that I have completely morphed into a new person. Julien’s passing has turned into a benchmark in my life – one where all life is split into two categories – before losing him and after. The old version of me left this world with him, and I have now emerged after loss – completely transformed – not by choice – however by having surrendered completely to the pain and healing path in front of me.

I am here to walk alongside you through this journey of utter devastation and can related to the pain you are feeling. I am here to support you as you pick up the pieces of your life, as perhaps you chose to re-arrange your life so it looks different as you emerge from this loss. Wherever you are on the journey and regardless of how or when you have experienced a Pregnancy or Infant loss, I am here to support you.

Please know that anti-racism and inclusivity is deeply important to me and as such, my services cater to all parents, birthing people and 2SLGBTQIA+ people. My services are offered in both French and English as a I am a government certified Bilingual service provider.

In my loss journey, I have also seen how much our support people feel at a total loss – and feel confused as to how to support us. There is a tremendous need for the support people of the bereaved to have better access to resources that allow you to feel useful, purposeful and supportive when your loved ones are living the worst days of their lives. If you love someone who has lost a child and feel called to get support for yourself as the support person, I am here for you.

I am a French-Canadian living in Mohkinstsis, Treaty 7 Territory, also known as Calgary, Alberta, Canada. My pronouns are she/her/hers. I hold an Honours Degree in International Studies and Modern Languages which I obtained from the University of Ottawa. I grew up as a global nomad and citizen, living in Asia, the Middle East and Europe which is how and why I speak four languages. I opened a Youth Empowerment Center in Central Java, Indonesia and I have worked with Women’s Human Rights Organizations as well as the Government of Canada’s Department of Foreign Affairs. I have also chosen to live a life of sobriety and have been sober from alcohol for over 10 years. One of my proudest achievements so far in my sobriety journey has been to self soothe in my darkest days without turning to alcohol or my previously engrained coping mechanisms. My family unit consists of my loving and supportive partner Calvin, my living son Axel Lou and our deceased son Julien. I am able to live out Julien’s legacy by turning to community and being someone who supports other Pregnancy and Loss families during their times of deepest need.

The foundation of my career has been in and around the Personal Development, Coaching & the Leadership Training world for 10 years supporting people through transformative growth experiences. My background is cemented in the power of Personal Development and choosing a path of being a lifelong learner. As my personal development expertise and my own experiences in the Grief and Loss world have now collided, I now see a deeper importance for coaching as it pertains to recovering from trauma and tragedy. This is where Pregnancy and Infant Loss Coaching come in – this a beautiful and specialized form of coaching that is key when in the recovery process.

I believe in the importance of turning inwards in our grief journey – and speaking to the entire person as a whole, spiritually embodied being. Pregnancy and Infant Loss is one of the most isolating experiences we can ever encounter in life – and I am here to hold space for you in any way that will support you on this very unique journey to healing after loss.


  • Pregnancy & Infant Loss Coaching (English)
  • Pregnancy & Infant Loss Coaching (French)
  • TFMR Support

Client Testimonials

Dès notre première rencontre, Joëlle a su créer un climat de confiance et de respect en m’accompagnant dans l’écoute, la compassion et la validation. Chacune de nos séances m’ont outillée pour mieux cheminer sur la route de mon deuil. Elle a, entre autres, su alléger ma souffrance en m’aidant à prendre conscience et déconstruire une de mes plus grandes croyances limitantes sur mon identité de mère. Je serai à jamais reconnaissante que nos chemins se soient croisés.

From our first session, Joëlle was able to create a climate of trust and respect by supporting me through listening, compassion and validation. Each of our sessions equipped me to better walk the road of my grief. Among other things, she was able to alleviate my suffering by helping me to become aware of and deconstruct one of my biggest limiting beliefs about my identity as a mother. I will be forever grateful that our paths crossed.

– Andréanne

Before working with Joelle, myself and my family were in a transition crisis. Each one of us was faced with personal loss and change and I felt like I was drowning trying to hold it all together. Joelle really helped me find clarity and peace inside the current chaos and unknown future.

What really sets Joelle apart from other coaches I have worked with is her heart-centered approach. There is no pressure, and I get to prioritize the sessions based on what I feel I need support with the most that week. I leave every session with a reframed outlook, some tools to practice, and a plan that I set at my own pace.

We are still in major transitions as a family and will be for a while, but it doesn’t feel stressful or unmanageable now. I feel so much more peace, confidence, and clarity as we navigate our new life and the changes that come with it.

I highly recommend you book a session with Joelle if you are experiencing grief, loss, or major life-altering transitions.


– Misti


Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Contact Joëlle Croteau-Willard

Pregnancy Loss Healing